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With over 20 years of award-winning content marketing experience, Jennifer is a Senior Strategist at Convince & Convert in addition to providing a wide array of freelance services at her own shop, Content Unicorn. Equally passionate and versed in great content strategy and great content creation, Jennifer has proven success in for some of the world’s most recognizable brands and organizations including: Disney Parks & Resorts, Hallmark, Coke Zero, Old Navy, IHG, the University of Tennessee, Happy Everything!, and Toyota. She’s also got a knack for revitalizing, rebranding, and digitally modernizing legacy brands like Holiday Inn Club, Ruby Tuesday, Domino’s Pizza, and Sears. A storyteller at heart and an analytical problem-solver at her core, Jennifer’s super strength is pairing left- and right-brained skills for frictionless support across the business, technology, creative, and executional stages of content and digital marketing. Whether working on an insightful strategy or a creative copywriting challenge, she loves to word nerd over finding jussssttttt the right words for the task at hand. After spending time in both copywriting and content management at renowned ad agencies such as Saatchi & Saatchi and Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Jennifer served as: - The Director of alllll things Social Media and Digital Content at Disney Parks & Resorts, overseeing Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, influencer initiatives, and other various interactive web and digital content programs. - At Ruby Tuesday, she led technical CRM, as well as the digital strategy and execution of programs for web, email, social, mobile app, loyalty programs, and 3rd party partnerships with Hallmark Channel, Casamigos, and Amazon. - More recently at Holiday Inn Club, Jennifer wore multiple hats as Senior Creative Director, Head of Multimedia, and as founding Blog Editor in Chief. - Today, Jennifer now LOVES providing flexible freelancing and expert consulting support in this “season of life”. When she’s not working, Jennifer enjoys traveling, cooking, cycling (indoors and outdoors), writing, and being a passionate #DogMom to her kinda sorta Insta-famous pups, @BodeMcNugget and Brandy Merlot. Never without a beverage in her hand, Jennifer loves Starbucks in the AM, Diet Chick Fil A Lemonade in the afternoon, and wine in the evenings. Her bucket list goal? Writing a Hallmark Christmas rom-com.