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Note that rooms do fill up and seating is first come, first serve, so arrive early to sessions that you would like to attend.
Brendan Turner (Senior Vice President of Digital Experience, The MX Group)
Laura Marzec (Content Director, The MX Group)
Location: Room 29CD
Date: Tuesday, October 22
Time: 2:10 pm - 2:50 pm
Pass Type: All Access, Main Conference, Main Conference Plus, Digital - Get your pass now!
Audience Level: Intermediate
Conference Theme: B2B & B2C
Session Type: Sponsored Session
Track: Big Ideas
Vault Recording: TBD
Audience Level: Intermediate
Think you’re an industry thought leader?
It’s time to see how you measure up.
With the rise of AI content and self-directed buyer journeys, thought leadership has never been more critical. Buyers are increasingly seeking validation from trusted sources, making thought leadership pivotal for driving engagement and influencing decisions that directly impact profitability and revenue. But the stakes are high: How do you quantify success in thought leadership, show progress, identify the most impactful opportunities, and extend your influence within and beyond your industry?
We use an objective framework for companies to measure and quantify thought leadership based on five essential pillars of thought leadership (Authority, Trust, Expertise and Foresight, Visibility and Content Leadership). Discover how benchmarking against these pillars can help you develop, plan and refine your organization’s thought leadership strategy — and outpace the competition.